Role/Position Name About
President Amal Pushp, FRAS Research Physicist @ International Space Federation (ISF) & Resonance Science Foundation
Vice President Shad Azmi Department of Mathematics, AMU
Technical Lead Mohammad Najeeb Department of Computer Science, JMI
Technical Associate
Coordinator Murshed SK Department of Physics, AMU
Research and Development Coordinator
Joint Coordinator
Media Team
Position Description
President The President is the leader of Olympia Academia and is responsible for overseeing all its activities and initiatives. They provide strategic direction, set goals, and ensure the organization's mission is being fulfilled. The President often represents the organization at official functions and university events. They work closely with other members of the executive team to coordinate and manage the organization effectively.
Vice President The Vice President assists the President in their duties and steps in when the President is unavailable. They may also have specific responsibilities related to organizing events or projects. The Vice President plays a crucial role in maintaining continuity in the organization's leadership.
Senior Incharge The Senior Incharge is likely a senior member of the organization with experience and knowledge in Physics and Mathematics. They may serve as an advisor to the executive team, providing guidance and insights. Their role is to ensure that the organization stays on the right track and maintains its focus on its mission.
Secretary The Secretary is responsible for administrative tasks within the organization. They coordinate scientific and educational activities, organize meetings, create agendas, and take meeting minutes. The Secretary is often the point of contact for communication within the organization and ensures that members are informed about meetings and events.
Mentorship Coordinator The Mentorship Coordinator is responsible for organizing and managing the organization's mentorship program. They facilitate communication between mentors and mentees, provide resources, and ensure the program runs smoothly. This role involves coordinating mentorship-related activities and helping members make the most of the mentorship program.
Workshop/Competitions Coordinator The Workshop/Competitions Coordinator oversees the planning and execution of workshops and competitions. They identify relevant topics, invite speakers or judges, and ensure that participants have a valuable learning experience. This role plays a significant part in promoting active engagement in educational activities.
Research and Development Coordinator The Research and Development Coordinator focus on promoting and supporting research initiatives within the organization. They may help members find research opportunities, organize research-related events, and facilitate collaborations. This role contributes to fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and exploration.
Joint Coordinator The Joint Coordinator may work on collaborative efforts, partnerships, or joint events with other organizations or academic institutions. They help expand the organization's network and reach, creating opportunities for members to connect with a broader community.
Media Team The Media Team is responsible for managing the organization's online and offline presence. They handle social media, websites, newsletters, and promotional materials to communicate the organization's activities and mission effectively.
Technical Lead and Technical Associate The Technical Lead and Technical Associate manage technical aspects of events, such as setting up equipment, handling AV needs, and ensuring the smooth execution of technical components. They play a crucial role in ensuring that workshops, presentations, and competitions run without technical hitches.